Let it snow!
Frank Sinatra
В этом году выдалась действительно снежная зима. Честно говоря, я не помню, когда последний раз в новогоднюю ночь был снег и мороз. У нас обычно дома слякоть и совсем не морозные дни стоят. В этом же году все по-другому, настоящая стужа.
This year we have the real winter with snow, frost and ice over the rivers. Frankly speaking, I don't remember the last time we had all of these on the New Year Eve. Usually it's more like fall weather, then real winter. This year it changed, we have real frosty winter.

If you stay at home in a warm plaid and watch what is happening outside it is a really great time of the year. But if you for some reasons decided to go somewhere, there a lot of difficulties. Really it is hard to go even to the city center. Public transport didn't work because of snow, to drive a car is a rather scary variant because the roads aren't cleaned from the snow. But nevertheless such winter is inspiring ans you start to believe that is the most wonderful time of the year! I like to go outside in coat then come back and sit with a nice book drinking hot chocolate with pie. So I was inspired to create a snowy card.
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